Adventure Palace Online Pokies Australia relies on old favorite wilds to attract attention, and has plenty of betting options and double and triple wins to keep it going. This game is suitable for all operating systems and offers smooth graphics and large comfortable buttons. Despite only having 9 paylines, the jackpot is 150,000 dollars, which with the wide availability of free spins gives you a strong chance of always winning and winning.

Microgaming deserves to be called the best online gaming software developer in the last 3 decades. So when you’ve been around that long, chances are you’ll have some properties still alive on the ever-evolving internet that will feel like relics when you look at them years later. That’s what you can see with their Adventure Palace online pokies, as the graphics and sound are quite dated compared to the modern slot games we’re used to playing.

However, that doesn’t mean this game isn’t worth playing, and we mean more than just for nostalgia. Although the gameplay is simple with only one real bonus feature (based on free spins), Adventure Palace can reward you with sizable real cash payouts. Even better, AP has some features you no longer see in online pokies, such as its wide range of betting combinations. Considering its age, we were very happy with this title when reviewing and doing a review of Adventure Palace.

Adventure Palace offers a very different number of betting options than most games, but players with any size budget should be able to find a betting amount that suits their budget. Under $1, you can place bets in any increment of 0.09 you want, and beyond that bets can be placed at 1.35, 1.80, 2.25, 2.70, 3.60, 4, 50, 5.40, 6.75, 7.20, 9.00, 11.25, 13.50, 18.00, 22.50, 27.00, 36.00, and 45.00. The coin size can be set from 0.01 – 1.00 and you can choose how many of the game’s nine paylines you want to bet on. There is an autospin button that allows you not to have to bother pressing the button, along with a win history menu button that will display the biggest game winners in the past and of all time.

Jackpot AmountUp to 150,000
RatingRated 4.5/5 stars
Payout Ratio (RTP)96.10%
Stake (Min/Max)9c / $45
Game DeveloperMicrogaming
Bonus FeatureYes

Adventure Palace Online Pokies Pros and Cons


  • Many options give you free spins!
  • As part of a larger game package application, it works smoothly and the sound and graphics look excellent and comfortable on both large and small screens.
  • First class guaranteed security.


  • Not too many betting options.
  • It only has one bonus feature in the form of free spins.
  • Its age can be seen from its lack of originality and graphical features.